Lauren Casto - Travel Specialist

Independent Agent with Magic Mom Travel

Hi, I'm Lauren. I'm pretty new to the "travel specialist" title, but definitely seasoned in the adventures of traveling! I am very excited to help you discover new corners of the world, travel with your family to magical destinations, and make vacations feel simple and easy to obtain! I specialize in West Coast US destinations like Lake Tahoe or Disneyland Resorts and European/International vacations. Traveling with kids? Even better, I am well versed in family trips abroad!


Traveling done your way.

There are so many sites out there that sell pre-packaged vacations. I love this for so many people... and yet, I don't book my own family's travel this way. I can't. It's just not personalized enough. I want to speak to an actual person when changes need to be made. I want to see things off the beaten path when I travel. I don't need to hit every touristy area.. I'd rather live like a local and see those back alleys and hidden beaches. That is where our experience feels enriching and unique and what causes me to ache for more world travel!

It's true. The booking details can get overwhelming. But they don't have to.

The experiences I've had both traveling independently and with my family, caused me to do deep research into the locations of my travel. Currency, train schedules, timelines, expectations... deep dives and familiarizing myself with different cultures. It's.. a lot. But I love it. And because it's a passion of mine, I decided to educate myself further and get formalized training as a travel agent. Now I'm here to help YOU. Knowing how to plan your itinerary for the right amount of adventure vs relaxation time, coupling traveling with sleeping accommodations (hello sleeper trains!), knowing when to rent a car vs using other means of transportation.. and so much more!

“It is the experiences, the memories, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found.”